
How you start photography in U.S.A?

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I started photography all of frustration and determined to get away from a 9-5 job. Being successful is still far from my reach but as far as the goals set in front of me to become a photographer was a challenge that i was willing to take.I started by just shooting friends and then friends of friends, then random people on the internet that gave me there time to work with them. Did that for about 2 1/2 years then reached out to agencies to work with better models, and from there it just took off ( thats just a quick sum of how it all happened). And yes i was shy, still shy till this day. 

For models
Keep doing what your doing if your looking to get signed. don’t stop. build a decent book with at least 12 amazing images (please be very selective) and take it in and see what response you get. you never know unless you try.

Quick advice
When u work to modeling agencies you should definitely charge the agencies, but also make sure you are giving them content that no one else is giving them for there portfolio. Its always best to stand out with your work rather than following the pack .Never work for free. For beginners just shoot any and everything to build experience and find what you love to photograph. from there the rest should be history. Dont over due soo much on makeup and setups. i shoot my natural beauty with just the model and nobody else. Vibe out and have a good time and capture moments that stand out to you, make sure your camera is always up and ready to snap away.

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